Shellsburg News
Disc Golf is Coming to Memorial Park.
Get ready for some outdoor family fun at Memorial Park this summer. SACG (Shellsburg Area Community Group) will be installing a six hole, family-friendly disc golf course in Memorial Park, along with completion of the Memorial Trail loop and a 10-car parking area near the entrance.
SACG has been working toward this for several years. The City asked SACG to take on comprehensive park planning, so SACG set up a Parks Planning Committee, which consists of Jim Hidinger (chair), Kelsey Fish, Tricia Sheldon, Deb Oldakowski, Nancy Thorkildson and Jill Hidinger. They have established a plan for all the city’s park areas, which has been approved by City Council. Disc golf, the trail loop and parking lot will be the first projects to be completed. SACG was awarded a small grant from the Iowa Foundation for Parks & Recreation of $1000 to get the ball rolling, with SACG voting to fund the bulk of the expense. SACG members and other community volunteers will be supplying the labor.
Working with Steve Hepker and the Wildcat Bluff DGC Volunteers, which is the group that designed, built and maintains the excellent course at Wildcat Bluff Park, a course was laid out to make the best use of the available space. More holes could be added as additional space becomes available.
Completion of the trail is expected to happen in May, disc golf installed in June, and the parking lot installed in August. |