Frequently Asked Questions
What are city hall office hours?
Window/phone hours at City Hall:
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Tuesday and Thursday: 11:00 am to 5:00 pm
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Tuesday and Thursday: 11:00 am to 5:00 pm
i am moving to town. who do i call for utility hook-ups?
- Gas - Alliant Energy: 1-888-427-5632
- Electric - Alliant Energy: 1-800-255-4268
- Telephone – USA Communications: 319-436-2224
- Post Office – Shellsburg: 319-436-2535
- Sewer, Water and Garbage – City Clerk: 319-436-2954
what is the garbage and recycling schedule and policy?
You can find the refuse and recycling information here.
Can I arrange for the refuse company to pick up larger items and how do I do that?
Yes, under the city’s current contract you can arrange for Johnson County Refuse to pick up larger items such as appliances, mattresses and furniture. You must call them at 319-665-4498 to determine their charge for the particular item and arrange a method of payment.
Does the city offer rural recycling sites?
Throughout Benton county there are rural drop off sites for recycling. These are designed to provide a recycling option to residents of the county and are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. People who live within the city limits are encouraged to use their curbside recycling programs. One of the rural drop sites is at the west edge of Shellsburg, near the county’s maintenance shed. Signage indicates what recyclables may be deposited in the bins. There is to be no garbage, glass, or dumping of other materials in these bins.
Benton County officials have brought a concern to our attention. Garbage has been placed in the container and this causes the load to be rejected by the recycling center in Cedar Rapids. The recycling center will treat the entire container as “contaminated” and it then has to be routed to the Benton County landfill. This creates an unnecessary expense for the county and also, unfortunately, causes the entire load to be deposited in the landfill. This option for recycling is important for our rural residents, and we all need to follow the rules for how it is used.
Benton County officials have brought a concern to our attention. Garbage has been placed in the container and this causes the load to be rejected by the recycling center in Cedar Rapids. The recycling center will treat the entire container as “contaminated” and it then has to be routed to the Benton County landfill. This creates an unnecessary expense for the county and also, unfortunately, causes the entire load to be deposited in the landfill. This option for recycling is important for our rural residents, and we all need to follow the rules for how it is used.
When are water/sewer bills due?
Bills are mailed out on the 15th of each month. They are due on the last day of the month.
Is there an option to carry insurance on the water and sewer lines outside my home that are my responsibility to repair?
Shellsburg residents have an option to purchase a warranty plan that provides repair coverage for your outside water and sewer line. For more information, please see the company’s website at Service Line Warranties of America. You may also contact city staff for general information on enrollment.
What is my polling place for elections if I live in Shellsburg?
The voting place for the city of Shellsburg is the American Legion Hall at 114 Main St. SW in Shellsburg.
At what point is a snow emergency declared?
The City Municipal Superintendent or designee declares a snow emergency when accumulation of snow or ice has occurred or is predicted by the National Weather Service. During the 48-hour snow emergency all vehicles must be removed from the streets and alleys.
Under what circumstances to I need a building permit and where do I go to get one?
A building permit is needed for all new construction of a building or fence, as well as alteration to existing buildings. Contact the City Clerk at 436-2954 for further information.
Do I need to license my dog or cat with the city?
Residents are not required to obtain a city pet license. However, cats and dogs are required to comply with state law and get vaccinated for rabies by the age of six months and they must wear a collar with their valid vaccination tag. City ordinances require that animals be on a leash when they are not on your property and it is strongly recommended that all pets wear an identification tag.
What should I do about a stray animal?
City ordinances require pets to be on the owner’s premises or on a leash. If necessary, please call the Shellsburg Law Enforcement Department at their non-emergency number 436-7763. They will contact the animal control authorities as needed. It’s important to note that any citizen who calls Animal Control direct will be personally responsible for any resulting charges.
Where can I find the Council minutes and agendas?
Shellsburg City Council agendas are posted at the Shellsburg Library, Shellsburg Post Office and the City Hall. Minutes of Shellsburg Council meetings are published in the Cedar Valley Times, Vinton Eagle and the Shellsburg Pride. They are also posted on this site, here.
Who do I contact to rent a park shelter?
The park pavilion located in the Shellsburg City Park is available for rental. Contact the city clerk to make the reservation. There is a $20 per day fee.